Anonymous love letters for him or her. You can hide under the name of anonymous to send a letter to your crush. What does this mean? It means you can write a love letter and send it to someone you love, and the person won’t know the source of the letter. But of course, they … Read more

Best Humor Messages for Friends

Humor messages for friends: Sure, we have several messages you can share with friends. Of course! Here’s a longer humorous message for you. Do you ever noticed how time flies when you’re procrastinating things? It’s like you blink, and suddenly, it’s a week later, and you still haven’t started that project you’ve been avoiding like … Read more


Wedding anniversary invitation: Have you been wondering how do you write a wedding anniversary invitation message? Well, this is a special way of inviting family and friends to join in your joy as your celebrate additional year in your marriage, otherwise know as your wedding anniversary. These days many marriages are struggling to keep things … Read more


Friendship anniversary messages: How long have you been in that relationship? Relationship here doesn’t not necessarily mean with another gender, it can be from any gender of course. Having known someone for a period of a year and above and still maintain the same energy deserves some applause. Go ahead and celebrate your friendship Anniversary … Read more


Messages to my Love: One of the hardest thing to gain in life is trust, it takes time for us to trust someone but can still take a second to lose it. What keeps many relationships sailing has been linked to it. I mean, can you be with someone you don’t trust? Any relationship that … Read more


Love messages for wife – Remember what the Bible says about he who finds a wife, ” He who finds a wife, finds a good thing and shall obtain favor from the sight of God. Waoh, that’s huge. You’re fortunate to have found one. It calls for celebration afterwards, imaging finding your good luck charms. … Read more

Best Promise love messages

Promise love messages : Are you assuring someone of your love? Have you been wondering the best way or ways you can promise her love? . Promising her love means you’re out and ready to love her. Make this day a memorable one by coming all out with your heart to express the love you … Read more

Honeymoon wishes for Friend

Best Honeymoon Wishes for friend – Immediately after wedding, couples desire to go miles away from families and friends just to spend a week (s) together, and this is known as honeymoon. It is the first romantic trip between these two who are now one. Most times people choose to go to hotels to have … Read more

How to toast a girl online format

How to toast a girl online – This basically means how to win girl’s heart through chats. Toasting a girl especially online is not that easy. This is because you’re trying to get to know someone you are not close to through virtual means. So in other to achieve this, you have to do your … Read more