Marriage Advice From Old Couples For a Happy Marriage Life

Marriage advice from old couples: There is a saying that “Experience is the best teacher.” This is why you may need to listen to advice from older couples whose marriage have stand the taste of time. Marriage is not always a bed of roses, it has its own ups and downs. Even the most admired couples may occasionally have one issue or the other to settle, but one of the things that keeps them going is the way that they handle such issues. It is worthy to note that marriage is a complicated institution that requires extra care to handle. Taking quick negative decisions in your marriage can lead to regrets.

Marriage advice from old couples


No one knows it all, when you are faced with challenges which you can’t reconcile in your marriage, you can seek for advice from marriage sponsors, elders or marriage counselors. One of the reasons for the increasing rate of divorce in our society today is allowing minor issues that would have been nipped in the bud to escalate. This is also a case of “much ado about nothing.” Even the Bible has its own principles about marriage which is highly beneficial to intending and already married couples. However, you have to understand that nothing is constant in life not even love, therefore, the love in a marriage needs to be nurtured for it to continue to flourish.

Here, we have the best marriage advice from couples who have been in their unions for long, say decades. As you know, there is no defined rules for marriage. So what you’re going to read are tips on things you can do to keep your home. Read the marriage advice for newlyweds, old couples having crises and also those intending to marry to make you have a happy marriage.

It is obvious that the most exceptional display of humility according to older couples are listed below:

  1. Admit that you’re wrong if need be. This is one of the greatest challenge with most people. If you do something that is not right, don’t find it difficult to own up to your mistakes. It does not make you less of a human being. Your partner is going to respect you more. This is one of the best ways to earn trust in your marriage/relationship. Keep ego aside, man up and admit if you have err and then follow the next step towards earning trust back from your partner.
  2. Take full responsibility of the outcome of your mistake. Having admitted that you are wrong, the next thing you’re supposed to do is to take responsibility of the outcome. Don’t try to put the blame on anyone, it won’t solve the problem. You’re not infallible. It is normal and ok to make mistakes in marriages. But then you’re expected to take responsibilities of your actions once the happen.
  3. Make amend or let’s say try and fix it. You don’t allow your mess to go unfixed. That’s like having a crack on the wall and letting it be. You know, the crack can affect the foundation of the building and may eventually cause it to collapse.

As a woman, learn to be humble. It is one of the virtues of a good woman.

Marriage advice from the Bible

Let us take a look at what the bible says pertaining to marriage. The holy book also gave marriage advice to couples.

1.Love and Faithfulness

Proverb 3:3-4 says ” let love and faithfulness never leave you, bind them around your neck, write them on table of your heart” . This version of the holy book is advising couples on the need to always love their spouse. Loving your partner without condition. Imagine how you love yourself, and what will happen when you treat your spouse with that same love. Develop love and let it be with you in your home. A home filled with love is peaceful, flourishes and welcoming at the same time. Both parties will always look forward to coming home. This is because the atmosphere is conducive.

Another attribute the Bible emphasized on is faithfulness. Been faithful to one another will prevent an intruder into your home, it will bring oneness, trust and longevity of the union. Faithfulness in marriages is very important, we shall be talking more on it as we proceed.

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2. Be Devoted to one another

The book of Romans 12:40 says ” be Devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourself” . This bible passage as we can see discouraged selfishness. We should learn to put one another into consideration, in making plans and taking actions. Don’t do to your partner what you detest. Be considerate and affectionate in your dealings with one another.

Follow these marriages advice from the Bible, the will yield good fruits in your Union. Again let’s take a look at this portion that talks about being kind.

3. Be kind to one another and learn to forgive

In the book of Ephesians, chapter 4:32, the bible says ” be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgive one another, as God in Christ forgave you” . Just like our Father forgives us, we should also forgive. Never say never in your union, don’t say over your dead body, don’t be mean, be kind in your approach, be kind with words. Some people are not friendly with words, they can say things that will set the body and soul on fire. The Bible is telling you here to calm down, be kind to your spouse.

Another good advice we can learn from the above passage is forgiveness. A good number of people finds it difficult to forgive. They hold on so tight, refusing to let go. You’re not doing the best for you and your spouse. Learn to forgive even before your partner asks for forgiveness. You can work things out always if you have this open mind that is ready to let go.

Note: there is no long lasting relationship or marriage without forgiveness.

As much as we need to be forgiven, we have to also forgive. Avoid things that we create problems in our home. Forgiving is that ability to stop transferring our feelings about what has happened to our partner. It is letting go, without taking revenge. Relationships flourishes with daily efforts, and we must put in work on both sides

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From all indications, you can see that the reasons why divorces cases are on the increase these days are the summary of what we have here, partners refusing to take accountability,admitting when they are wrong, having defensive attitude and wrong way of communication.

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Neither of these is easy, they are exceptionally humble actions, which is precisely why sincerely admitting our wrongs and forgiving their wrongs brings exceptional results to a marriage/relationship.

Some good Marriage advice from Older Couples

Build a high level of trust in your marriage. No relationship/Marriage stands the test of time without a great level of trust!

Don’t take your partner for granted, Make it a point to thank him/ her for what they do for you. Don’t see it as nothing !

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Complement each other, speak life into each other by your words. Be each other number one fan. So make it a habit to routinely check on each other on a deeper level than just random texting or calls. Pay enough attention to your partner, more importantly, are you telling them what you are seeing and feeling? Learn to talk things over rather than keeping grudges.

Have a conversation about the state of your relationship.

Even if you think that everything is going great, it’s still necessary to take some time to talk to one another to evolve and growing together. Having goals and plans for your relationship/marriage and working together on them as partners is only possible if you have these conversations.

Understand that your partner is unique no matter how much you love him/her, your partner is going to do things that annoy you, no matter how many times you tell them that they annoy you.

Your goal shouldn’t be to recreate them or be a boss . If you are married or going into marriage because you thought you could somehow “fix” her, you’re just going to hate her. You are two separate people, with your own faults, raised differently. Understanding that you can both love each other and and at the same time be annoyed by their actions at time is an important part of keeping your marriage/relationship strong. No one is perfect in and outside union. Your ability to keep make amendments easily will help to keep the boat sailing in your marriage. You’re not getting married to a saint. Know this and have peace.

Let’s take a look again at the summary of marriage advice from old couples;

  1. Be romantic
  2. Be there for each other
  3. lean on each other
  4. Don’t go to bed angry
  5. Have some personal time
  6. Trust your spouse wholeheartedly
  7. Have a sense of humor
  8. Encourage each other
  9. Clear and constant communication
  10. Respect each other.
  11. Forgive each other

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Note, you’re your partner’s strengths and weaknesses. You need each other for the relationship to last. Trust him,show love, be ready to forgive, exercise patience, openness and with prayers you shall overcome. Incase, you have tried all these marriage advice from old couples and still having crises in your marriage, then you seek for help from a marriage counselor, after that you will know the next step to take. You deserve to be happy, keep having adventures while creating beautiful memories, we wish you the best in your union.