Trending Isiagu Styles For Igbo Men

Isiagu styles for men: Let’s talk about the traditional isiagu Styles for men or Isi Agu dressed by the Igbo people from the Eastern part of Nigeria. What do you know about Isiagu?. Isiagu traditional outfit styles are mostly for the men. It is an outfit in Igbo land that is meant to be worn by only men of substance in the society. It is one of the Igbo outfits that commands respect. So check out the trending isi agu Styles For Men here;


Isiagu styles for weddings adds color to the occasion.

Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles

As a typical Igbo man, isiagu Styles goes with a cap, either red or black though these days it comes in different colors.

Bead is another must wear alongside isiagu dress.
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
“Isiagu” is an Igbo word that can be translated as “Head of lion” in English. Isiagu is also known as Chieftaincy. This name was given to this lovely material because of the pattern in it. 
Isiagu Styles
In the past, isiagu was one of the ways to recognize a titled man in Igbo land, a typical Igbo Chief or Nze dresses with isiagu outfit to attend some traditional events in and outside Igbo land.
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
Lovely green isiagu style

See also kaftan bubu gown styles 

Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles

Green isiagu outfit.

Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
A typical Igbo man and son rocks matching isiagu Styles. He paired it with the original Igbo cap worn by elders in the society and it fits so well.
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
It’s this look for me, this is so cute,
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles

Men don’t just wear it, isiagu goes to special events in the society. Our forefathers used George wrapper to wear isiagu. Men tie wrapper and matches it with isiagu Styles.

Isiagu Styles
Rocking isiagu in senator style.
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
21st century saw another dimension on who and how isiagu is been worn. Unlike in the past, the youths took over this outfit and are sewing it into different designs
Isiagu Styles
Since suede materials are used in making isiagu Styles, it won’t be a bad idea to have isiagu suit. Good enough most Igbo men took this culture and replaced the normal suit for wedding with Isiagu traditional styles for wedding.
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
Just like these pictures , a typical Chief in Igbo land dresses with isiagu alongside his traditional cap. The color of cap worn by one shows the type of rank the person is occupying in the Eze or king palace
Isiagu Styles
A Chief wears a red cap, a feather on it, a bid mostly red or white and a hand fan, staff or animal tail. Igbo’s to the world.
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu style taken to another level. The traditional outfit of other re can also be created using isiagu materials, this is a typical Yoruba style made from isiagu and yet represent entirely the Igbo people.
Isiagu Styles
21st century saw another dimension on isiagu styles, like the say, styles evolves overtime, I agree to this, in this is agu style above, three different isiagu materials were combined to achieve the jacket above. What you can’t sew with isiagu fabrics doesn’t exist.
Isiagu Styles
How about you check for English in this link, men suit designs
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
The rule is, a man putting on isiagu outfit must hold something traditional in hand to compliment the dressing.  Some people will hold, hand fan, stall, animals tails and the perceived rich among the Igbo’s goes out holding elephant tusk. An elephant tusk symbolsis strength in Igbo land as it is believed that, it is not easy to kill an elephant and then talk of owning an elephant tusk
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
On the neck region, a typical Igbo man on Isi agu outfit will go for a coral or rubber beads on the neck and the wrist. Putting into consideration a matching color.

Beads are one of the traditional accessories in Igbo land.

Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles

The modern age are using different animals as a pattern in suede materials and it comes out looking like isiagu Styles. Though this is also acceptable in the place of the original isiagu fabrics we know.

Isiagu Styles for wedding

Isiagu Styles
Over the years, isiagu Styles has become the official uniform for men in Igbo land both titled and untitled men.
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu has become the traditional outfit for wedding. And this is a welcome development in the Eastern part of Nigeria,as this helps to portray and protect the culture of these lovely people.
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu styles for traditional weddings can be long sleeve just like we have in the above picture or short sleeve isiagu Styles just like below.
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
The traditional isiagu Styles for men in Igbo land has lions head (isiagu) pattern embroidery in it, hence the name isiagu. Isiagu materials are gotten from special sellers. It is not a common commodity in the market.
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu fabrics is made from suede. It is always thick and heavy to wear.
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu doesn’t just fit the Igbo’s, apart from other regions in Nigeria who took delight in this outfit, isiagu has gone global and it fits all races.
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
Lovely bride and groom on isiagu attire.
Isiagu Styles
A Chief in Igbo land and bride. He’s holding a hand fan made from hides and skin with his title inscribed in it.
A typical Igbo man tie wrapper especially George wrapper alongside isiagu shirt. One thing to note again about this lovely outfit is that,it is not meant to be fitted on the body. Isiagu styles are always loose and not too bogus.
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles

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Isiagu Styles
Just like we have cap represent rank in the council of Chiefs, a feather from a hen added to a cap while wearing isiagu signifies a high or double Chief in some parts of Igbo land. You don’t just add a feather to your cap, you earn it.
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles

A modern way people can wear isiagu styles.

Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
The Igbo’s are among the largest ethnic groups in Nigeria, located in the Eastern part of the country, The men traditional attire is isiagu or Isi agu as the case may be. This nature attire in Igbo land is paired with hats, hand fans in feather form, that’s the tail of some animals or still a hand fan made from skin and hides.
Isiagu Styles

Isiagu short sleeve style with matching trouser. So lovely.

Isiagu Styles

Long sleeve isiagu Styles with animal tail and red cap.

Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles
Another important accessory that always go with isiagu outfit is the hand fan. In Igbo land, a hand fan is made from hides and skin.
For great men in the land, they would have their Chieftaincy titles boldly inscribed on the hand fan.  As a Chief is approaching a function, upon the raise of a hand fan, he can easily be recognized with his title on the hand fan.
Isiagu Styles
Apart from using wrapper to wear isiagu Styles by men, men of modern age are using matching color of plain trousers to wear this outfit.
Isiagu Styles
Isiagu Styles

There are different occasions you can rock the isiagu Styles to, places such as wedding, new yam festival, naming ceremonies, burials, coronation and other traditional functions in and across Igbo land. You can’t look  bad in Isiagu traditional styles for men.

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