Mbaise people from Igboland

       Isiagu, a cultural Mbaise Outfit Mbaise people from Igboland- Mbaise is a clan in Imo State, South Eastern part of Nigeria. It is clan in the Igbo tribe, one of the most popular tribes in Nigeria. They Igbo’s speak Igbo language. Mbaise people also have their own dialect though well understood by … Read more

Farm Mechanization

Tractor Farm mechanization: Farming is the cultivation of land and rearing of animals. It involves the preparation of land, planting of plants, harvesting, storage and utilization or consumption. Types of Farming   1.Arable Farming This is the cultivation of crops. 2. Pastoral Farming This involves the rearing of animals. Animals are kept in a confined … Read more

Importance of Electronic Accounting System

credit card Importance of electronic accounting system- In the past, businessmen uses stones, toes, fingers and sticks as counting units. These ways they adopted aimed at gathering, processing, accessing and storing information. Business owners lost considerable amount due to pilferage by staff, inaccurate and incomplete recording of financial transaction. This has caused most of them … Read more

Importance of oil palm tree

Importance of oil palm tree: Palm tree is grown in tropical rain forest. It is a perennial tree. Collection of palm trees in a forest is called Palm tree plantation. This article will review the importance of oil palm tree . Palm tree plantation   Propagation of palm tree  It is propagated through it’s seed … Read more

Challenges of Accessing Agric_business Finance in Nigeria

Agricultural sector is one of the important sectors that serves as economic backbone upon which the Nigeria government rely for its foreign exchange and revenue. Agricultural sector comprises of farming, fishing, pastoral, hunting etc. We have the challenges of accessing agric_business finance in Nigeria. cocoa plantation Some of our Agricultural produce include, Crops, vegetables, hides … Read more


  How to install inverter/solar energy  inverter is a device that converts direct current (DC) into alternating current (A.C). It gets its source in form of alternating current which is stored in form of direct current in batteries.   Inverter   The moment it senses any open circuit (power Outage), it inverts the energy (DC) … Read more


 Certificate on Incorporation A sample of Business name certificate Are you thinking of how to start a company in Nigeria, the steps and requirements involved, these article will reveal all you need to know in opening your own company. Company’s Registration in Nigeria  First,  you should decide on the nature of Business you want to … Read more


Maize farm Agricultural challenges in Nigeria –  Agriculture is the major livelihood of an average Nigerian.  It contributes hugely to the Nigeria GDP. Agriculture is the cultivation of lands, rearing of animals, it involves fishing, pastoral farming , horticulture etc. All these and more are been practice in both substantial and commercial ways. Agricultural challenges … Read more