You keep hope alive; At times in life, we found ourselves in a situation where can’t even tell anything about, then we start having several thoughts towards the situation. Sometimes our minds will project the situation to look as if it will be the end of us, and then a tiny voice down there will remind us there’s more to life than all these worries, with the little strength left in us, we decided to keep pushing while waiting for that same voice to tell you keep hope alive. Hang on, it’s not over.

You keep hope alive
There are many reasons to be happy, because everything will get better.
The post aims at encouraging anyone and everyone who is passing through one form of challenge or the other. Especially those going through something that the can’t discuss with anyone. Those who sleep at night to wake up to a wet pillow, don’t loose hope. To all those who can’t sleep without using sleeping pill, this too shall pass.
How about those who has taken to alcohol as a means of escape, hey! Everything will be fine, you didn’t do anything wrong to nature, you’re not forgotten. God is aware of your existence, He didn’t forget you neither did He abandon you. When the time is right, you will smile again,keep believing.
No condition is permanent, Not matter what you’re going through, just keep hope alive, there is season for everything and your season of joy is not fae from you.
Don’t worry about anything.Worrying about anything doesn’t solve problem, just take a deep breath and remind yourself that everything with be fine. Just keep the hope alive.
Time heals things, there are situations you will find yourself in live, that you wouldn’t have to do anything to change, all you have to do at those moments is to keep hope alive, time the says heals everything, with time that ugly situation will change.
You keep hope alive during difficulty, Faith is the evidence of things hoped for, you should be patience enough to exercise it. At the moment of practicing your faith remember to keep hope alive.
Nothing lasts forever, Whatever it is that you have been experiencing lately, don’t take it too far, hang on and know that nothing lasts forever, keeping hope alive you will come out victorious.
Stop stressing yourself
Everything will be ok.
Take a deep breath and hope for the best.
A crack doesn’t mean you’re broken, but it means you were put to test and you didn’t fall apart. Don’t loose hope as long as you keep breathing everything will normalize
Stay strong and believe that all things shall work together for your good, don’t panic, live by faith
You keep hope alive quotes
This two shall pass, When it does, you will remember me, everything will be fine trust me.
Stay strong even when it seems everything is falling apart.
All hope is not lost, Sometimes in life, it will seems all is lost, but hey try as much as possible to give yourself reasons to keep your faith your
You know what, because you’re alive you keep faith alive.
You will rise again like phoneix out from that ugly situation you found yourself, don’t stress it.
In all you do, you keep hope alive and keep pushing when the time is right everything will be fine.
Read also Thank you for loving me