Start Each Day with a Grateful Heart – It is a rare privilege to sleep and wake up to a brand new day. Sleeping alone is a special moment where we became unconscious of our environment and yet we wake up each day to embrace ourselves in conscious state. Start each day with grateful heart, acknowledge the Creator of the universe. Be grateful to the maker of human kind and the savior of the world. Give thanks with a grateful heart.
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Positive mindset |
Do you know why I said waking up is a rare privilege? I made the above statement because often times we went to sleep with family and friends,. unfortunately most times we don’t wake up complete. Some pass peacefully to the world beyond from their sleep, other wakes up to known and unknown sickness. You see, and there’s nothing special about you and I that distinguishes us from them. They didn’t commit sin that we have never committed before. Then it just happened to them.
So for each time we sleep and wake up, it calls to give glory to Almighty God. It is a rare privilege I will say again.
These days, most people look forward to pressing their phones each morning. We went straight to phone each time we wakes and get carried away with the things we read on the internet. Pressing phone first is the routine of some youths these days. This is a habit we need to put to end. First, without God in our lives, we can’t be able to wake up sound. So it shouldn’t take us anything to acknowledge His presence in our lives.
Other times, we wake up every morning looking forward to meeting with people or going to work immediately, again, note that God is our provider, the work your are rushing to go to, he gave it to you, the people you planned meeting, he brought them to your life. Take a break or say take a minute at least and start each day with a grateful heart.
Wake up each day with grateful heart. Thank God who saw you through the night. Praise him for been God.
Exalt God’s name for all the unseen and seen battles he has been fighting for us. For without him the enemies would have consumed us. The bible made us to understand that devil is roaring like a wounded Lion looking for who to devour. We shouldn’t allow devil in, and in other to let him out, we do it by inviting God into our lives. He’s ever ready to live in us if we allow him, so acknowledge him each and every moment of your life and this will make devil to flew from you for ever. There’s no way devil will withstand God’s present. Because darkness cannot impede light. Make God your Lord and personal saviour and have the wicked one out from your life forever.
As much as possible let’s cultivate the habit of thanksgiving. Each day is a new opportunity, opportunity to be better than who we were last time, opportunity to do amazing things , a rare opportunity to welcome Christ into our lives and live Christ like.
An empty vessel will be occupied by dust, I will tell you so is applicable to us. An empty heart will easily be open for devil to live. A life without Christ will definitely be in crises. So begin each day with a grateful heart.
No wonder the bible says in John 15:4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.
And then how do we abide in God if we fail to acknowledge him? This verse says as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine no more can ye, so how then do you intend to make it alone without God in your life?. How do you start your day without inviting God to be with you?. You reading these, It is not mistake,I will advice you start each day with a grateful heart.
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How to be grateful
Thanksgiving I will say is an act of appreciation, acknowledgement and acceptance. It shows a grateful heart. A thankful heart attracts more favor, it attracts more blessings. A thankful heart is a happy heart. Showing gratitude will make the world a better place. It will encourage man to be kind and we will have more of sweet souls than bitter souls
We show gratitude by been thankful, not to God alone but also to man, appreciate the gift of wonderful people God has blessed you with.
Be thankful when people do good deeds to you. Give thanks with a grateful heart messages.
Appreciate people in your life. Acknowledge the little efforts they put out there. Don’t belittle anyone’s struggle, rather encourage them. No matter whether you get or you don’t get from people just be grateful at least for having them around you. Lots of souls are dying of who to be around with. Loneliness is leading several into depression. So appreciate God for where you are and be sure He will lift you higher.
Murmuring is out of it. You’re not comfortable with where you are now? It is ok to feel it but don’t allow it to get the better part of you. Always tell yourself that God won’t bring you this far to abandon you.
For that fact that you’re still here, I will tell you it is a sign that God didn’t abandon you. Bible made us to understand that there’s time for everything, when your time comes, a second will be too much for God to turn that ugly situation. Meanwhile be happy, keeping clapping for others untill it gets to your turn.
Remember not to be idle, God has promised to bless the work of our hands. How then do you receive these blessings if you leave your hands idle. No matter how little, start from somewhere.
Begin each day with a grateful heart.
There are many reasons to be thankful, the gift of life is surely one of them, so start each day with grateful heart.
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Appreciation Messages on your Birthday
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