Good Evening Prayer Messages for special one

Good evening prayer messages for special One: The day is over and night is drawing nearer. This is the best moment to compose some lovely evening prayer messages for him. He’s coming home tired for the day. After the whole stress, reading some lines of prayers from someone special like you, will definitely make the rest of his night. That type of prayer that will leave him smiling after. Let’s learn to encourage one another with prayers. To these effects, we have taken our time to write good evening prayer messages for special one. Say some words of prayer tonight to him or her, believe me the feeling is heavenly.

Good evening prayer messages

1. After the activities of the day, I am grateful to God for bringing you back to us.

2. You’re one hardworking man I know. The evening is here, I thank God on your behalf, for protecting you always.

3. God is faithful to His words, everything shall work together for your good . Amen.

4. He won’t bring you this far to abandon you. As you retire to bed, you shall sleep in peace and wake up to the glory of Jah.

5. His grace shall follow you, all the days of your life, it’s night all ready, have some rest and wake up strong to a brand new day. Amen.

6. May you sleep in peace and wake up in peace .

7. May the peace of God, guide you as you sleep. Amen.

8. You deserve a peaceful night rest, you have worked so much. As you retire to bed, may you sleep sound.

9. You have been a source of joy in my life. May God bless your heart and do have a goodnight.

10. Good Night Prayers for my beloved 

Heartfelt Good evening messages for him or her

As you retire to bed, no matter how long the night may be, you shall see the joy of the morning. The Lord shall grant you smiles even at night and laughter as you dream. Share these lovely good evening prayer messages you’re reading.

11. The stars in the sky shall watch over you. The moon shall shine its glory upon your abode. You shall rest like one with a royal blood and the Lord shall keep your heart and mind at peace through Christ Jesus. Good evening love.

12. The forces of nightmares shall not find their way into your dreams, neither shall the demons of hell appear to you as you sleep. You are free from all night frights in Jesus name. You shall remember tonight for peace, sound sleep, joy and all of God’s blessings. Amen.

13. Lord, in this very month, arise in Your mercy and restore all you lost days. In Jesus’name I pray . 

14. My goodnight message is, I command the moon and stars to work in your favour, no evil plans shall stand tonight in Jesus name!

15. My Savior, remember you son with your favour; visit him with the power of  your salvation in the name of Jesus.

16. When you wake from sleep may you receive a permanent solution to that problem embarrassing you. Goodevening Beloved 

17. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit… Amen. Most powerful and gracious God, thank you for yet another successful day like this, thank you for our going out and coming back safely. Thank you for all the provision, guidance and protection. May your name be praised for ever.

18. Every plot to kill your dream shall fail. 

19. All evil things prepared by they enemies to take away your destiny, blessings, and life. I declare by the power of God let it be consumed by fire. You shall sleep sound and wake up well.

20 . To every forces fighting against your next level, enough is enough, may the perish  in Jesus Name


You can actually pray for your family too, send good evening prayer messages for family to everyone in your home or still you can share it in your family groups like whatapp, Facebook, telegram and others. Cultivate the habit of thanking God on behalf of your family at the end of the day. Everything will be fine as you do.

21. This night I decree and declare as the Oracle of God that the spell is broken! Hallelujah, Lack and drought is over. You will wake up to the good side of life. You will have financial increase. Money will flow in your home continuously, Amen.  You and your entire household will succeed, whatever thing you do, you shall prosper in Jesus name.

22. As you sleep tonight, may you remain in your safekeeping, and to wake up to a brand new beautiful day full of His grace. this we ask in the name of our lord Jesus Christ, Amen. GOODNIGHT my love 

23. I connect your ways and wills to divine opportunities and every opportunity killer’s around your destiny and glory shall not succeed now and ever, in Jesus name.

24. As you struggle to live in the fear of the Lord,  you’ll never be grounded by the enemies in Jesus name, you’re spared from the heat of the hour. Good night sweetie 

25. I pray for the power that knocks out the darkness from the face of the earth and commands the light to take over  the night to  knock out every problem of Your Life.

26. All the enemies of progress that stand in your ways to hinder or stop your progress or success shall be cleared out for you in the Mighty Name of God. You’re saved

27. Today, we may have failed you through different ways, in our thoughts, words and actions. Have mercy on us all and grant us your forgiveness. Give us the strength never to look backward.  May your Angels watch over us this night and bring us by your grace to another wonderful day, this we ask through the same Jesus our Lord who reign with you forever and ever… Amen

28. You shall continue to grow more in His wisdom and have the cause to Glorify His Name everyday of your life. 

29. You shall never lack. Today, all the nutrient needed to grow the seed of progress and favour in your Life and household shall remain abundant in you in the Mighty Name of God.

30. Gossipers, mockers, haters, rivals and envious  gang up to spoil you and speak lies about you, God shall disgrace them in this night. 

31. Whoever is fighting against you spiritually for you to fail physically,  the Holy Spirit arrest them. You shall know only progress and not sorrow. Amen 

32. May we  wake up to something amazing, God will give us outstanding miracles and testimonies.

33. Every power that seeks to seize your life like a bird in a cage or like goods packed inside a container, may the Lord paralyse such thoughts and powers, any life, glory or destiny that has been locked,  may the power of God break such and set you free.

34. This night, I  speak the anointing of celebration upon you sleep.

35. Any power, man or woman troubling your progress shall be uprooted.

36. For any man or woman visiting evil places to destroy you and your household, shall receive self-destruction. Have a goodnight rest 

37. Battle or problem that follows you into this day and wants to continue with you into tomorrow, this night is the end, in Jesus mighty name.

38. Bad dream in the night that brings bad luck and bad news in the day shall never be your portion

39. As you sleep tonight, I pray and ask that your mind be protected from terrible nightmares, your heart shall be guarded.  

40. Whoever God sent to you to play a role of Destiny helper shall locate you.

Night Prayers for beloved ones

Read also good night messages for wife

Say some lovely prayers to the one who is special in your life. Heartfelt Good evening prayer messages for her will make her happy, she will feel loved and have every energy to wake up to the other day knowing someone have her in his prayers. We all love it when our families and friends remember us as the call on God. The feeling cannot be overemphasized. May God bless us as we pray for one another.

41. As you lay to sleep tonight, May the angels of the Lord watch over you as you sleep. May every of your enemies be scattered and put to shame in the name of our master and savior Jesus who reigns forever. Goodnight beloved.

42. Good night my beloved family,  I come against every projection of the enemies against our family, May the Lord protect you from every demonic attack, May you sleep and wake up in good health in the mighty name of Jesus.

43. Father, I thank you for my family. It can be messy, it can be wonderful, it can be challenging, and it can be life-giving to be part of my family, and tonight, I surrender these precious relationships to you. I pray that you would be at work in my family, moving among us and creating deeper bonds between us in a way that gives you glory, honour, and praise. 

44. Lord, I thank you for the family members who have come to know and love you, and praise you for the ways they encourage and uplift me in my own faith. I also pray for the family members who do not yet know you, Lord, and I ask that you would be moving and working in their lives, opening their eyes and their hearts to who you are and how you love them. Good night all 

45. Dear Lord, we beseech you to continue your gracious protection to us and my family this night and always. Defend us from all dangers, and from the fear of them; that we may enjoy such refreshing sleep as may fit us for the duties of the coming day. And grant us grace always to live in such a state that we may never be afraid of the enemies  , through  your Son Christ Jesus. Amen!

Lovely Evening Messages for loved one

46. In the places of brokenness in my family, I pray you would bring healing and restoration. In the places of anger, also pray you would bring your peace. So in the places of hurt, I pray you would bring comfort. Thank you for the moments of joy, the sweet celebrations, the deep love, and the connections between us. Thank you for the memories we share, and for all the ways you have shown your deep love and endless faithfulness to us. Good night family 

47. We pray you would continue to protect, guide, strengthen, and encourage our family, members . We give you the glory tonight and ask that your plans would be done in each of our lives.

48. As we close our eyes tonight, may this night not be our last night. Count each and everyone of our family among the living. We shall awake tomorrow fresh and ready to serve You.

49. This evening, By the sweet spirit of the most high GOD, I decree and declare according to His words  written in the book of Matthew 18:18, I lose every rope and chain used to tie your two hands from receiving good things in life and I lose that evil rope that is used to tie your leg from moving into the land that is flowing with milk and honey.  This is your season in Jesus mighty name. You are blessed beyond any curse. I announce to you this is your celebration time in Jesus name.

50. As the night falls and we prepare to rest, we come before you in gratitude for this day. Thank you for your protection, guidance, and the countless blessings you’ve bestowed upon my family. Blessed be your Holy name .

51. Let us pray, Lord, watch over us as we sleep. Keep us safe from harm, both seen and unseen, and grant us peaceful and restorative rest. Bless my family and keep watching over us.

52. Heavenly Father, we ask for your forgiveness to our shortcomings and mistakes today. Help us to wake up tomorrow with renewed strength, spirit and a heart full of love and grace.

53. We pray for our loved uncle’s, aunties, brothers, sisters, cousins, nephews and nieces near and far. Bless them, protect them, and grant them peaceful dreams as well.

54. Good Good, may your presence be felt in our dreams and in the stillness of the night. We trust in your loving care. Perfect our night, let it be peaceful. Amen

55. As we sleep tonight, we pray and ask that you protect our minds. 

56. As we  say our night prayers, may God heal the sick among us, grant job to the jobless, provide for the needy. We make our prayer through Christ our Redeemer. Good evening family.

57. We Pray, Believe And Ask All Of These Through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen 

Read also goodnight Messages for a loved one

What a perfect way to end the day. I can see you’re feeling blessed already after reading our good evening prayer messages for special one, and the one we wrote for families. We have achieved our aim, that you have received your own blessing is evident that whoever you shall be sharing this with, will definitely receive theirs. God’s goodness is numerous and His blessings shall last forever. May sins not cut us off from enjoying God’s goodness. Amen. Have a great night as you sleep and remember His promises and messages always. Keep up with Somyarriys.